Muhammad Ali was one of boxing's greatest fighters ever, if not the greatest. Ali also fell sick with Parkinson's disease, a product of years of receiving crushing blows to his skull. If the sport caused this damage to Ali, why would someone with Parkinson's participate in it? Well, that's what's now happening at the Waukesha Athletic Club. Trainer Kathy Delker is utilizing boxing training techniques in order to improve the balance and stability of her trainees. The memorization and mental acuity required during training has greatly aided the trainees in their battle with Parkinson's. The training has led to improvements in their balance, stability, posture, and mental acuity. With so many senior citizens suffering from Parkinson's in the U.S., it would be nice to see more utilizing methods such as boxing in order to improve their standard of living, and help foster a healthier lifestyle. Having a form of disease is not the end of the road, it just means you have to adapt. Adapt for the better, and don't sell yourself short. And on that note, enjoy the rest of your week!